• January 26, 2012
  • 2 minutes read

Message From the People’s Assembly to the Noble People of Egypt In the Memory of the Glorious Egyptian Revolution

Message From the People’s Assembly to the Noble People of Egypt In the Memory of the Glorious Egyptian Revolution

 The People’s Assembly (PA), born of the free will of the Egyptian people on the first anniversary of the glorious Egyptian revolution – as the first building block after the success of the revolt that toppled the corrupt former regime, declares that it has received full legislative and regulatory powers, right from the first moment of its inception. With these powers, it will continue the march of the revolution, and achieve its full objectives. The post-revolution parliament will never stop the noble Egyptian people in the middle of the road, after they gave it their trust and the responsibility, but will go on to achieve full transition of power from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to elected civilian rule… parliament, government and president, with full powers, and to bring the people the freedom, dignity and social justice advocated by the revolution.

PA MPs reaffirm their pride in the martyrs, victims and the wounded of the revolution, who honored the whole nation. They emphasize that they put at the forefront of their priorities the full rights due to the families of martyrs and the wounded, starting with effective and fair trials that will bring justice for the blood of the martyrs, and identify all parties involved in murder, aggression and violent crimes.

This is why the first PA decision is to form a parliamentary Fact-Finding Committee to investigate the events that occurred from the start of the revolution, in order to reveal the whole truth to the Egyptian people. The PA will then take conclusive decisions which the Government will commit to implement. This is a pledge solemnly made by PA MPs, and they swear by Almighty God to serve the interests of the people.